What is the game you spent most time playing and replaying in your life?
I was thinking about it some time ago.
The game I most replayed is Metal Gear Solid 3. Beaten it  around 30 times on the PS2 and some more on the PS3 HD Edition.
I love MGS series because of this game.
And you? What can you tell?

[+] 1 user Likes RPuhlks's post
For me id probably have to say skyrim. No matter what i come back to it at least once a month. To be fair never without mods anymore. Although the amount of time i have in halo ce and halo reach im sure is abysmal as well

[+] 2 users Like imthatkid13's post
Probably World of Warcraft. I always stop playing but it still manages to hook me back in every time. I have around 2k hours of playtime which may not be a lot for some people, but it sure is for me.

[+] 1 user Likes Test Blyat's post
I'd have to say Guild Wars for me, still my favorite game.

[+] 1 user Likes SpikieLee's post
Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 are fantastic games with high replay value. Also love Mario Sunshine and my recently discovered Ocarina of Time. I played that game twice in a row after beating it the first time, it's that great!

[+] 2 users Like lightspeedwin's post
I’d have to say league oh my it was tons of fun though

I played through Ratchet and Clank crack in time a dozen times over but never 100% the game.  I played that game till the disk reader in my Playstation broke.

[+] 1 user Likes Retox445's post
I've spend about 5k hours on dota 2

[+] 1 user Likes Ehehay's post
dota 2, 4k hours played and my skill still sucks

[+] 1 user Likes youyudesticko's post
I have wasted too much of my life on league..

Definitely League of legends.. I spent way too much time on this game even though I hate it.. It's like an addiction haha

For me, it's always Skyrim or the KOTOR games. I seem to never get bored of them. I have to play Skyrim with mods though.