Aaron Rodgers (NFL QB for Green Bay) Non-Vaccination & COVID
this is sorta sports...but there are bigger issues here...basically it seems like he didn't tell the truth about his vaccination do you see this topic? what do u think will happen to him?

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He's Transvaccinated, and there are many trans people in this world. And if anyone in the NFL doesn't accept another trans person, then they are absolutely bigoted and racist, and should be fired! With all the supporting of trans persons the NFL did, they should accept a tranny like Aaron Rodgers.

And nothing will happen to Rodgers. Losing him means losing marketing ability, money, and a good leader for a good team. So the NFL will hush this up as much as possible, and put out some completely vague press release, and the MSM will ignore it. And it'll prove that Rogers is way smarter than Tom Brady, who damn near killed himself taking the actual vax.