Among Us Ruined
I'm not that picky or judgemental of a person, so it's gotta be like really hardcore for a game to be ruined for me. Even if they do things I don't like I can usually defend them or something. But sometimes something happens or a new idea is bright that I just can't bring myself to play anymore. For example, the curse that is Among Us. I played it a lot when it first came out, with my friends and everything I mean we Skype called and all it was so much fun. Then everyone online started playing it and I was like oh yeah ok people are playing with friends I get it. Then they started streaming it and I'm like "hey uh, isn't like that kinds pointless?"

Then next thing I know, every YouTuber is streaming and playing this game and I just try to ignore it, but it was everywhere. Just riddling my entire youtube timeline and subscription with among us footage. And I was right, it's not fun to watch at all. It's either them doing tasks walking around which is boring, or them arguing over who's imposter, which like was funny at first, but then it got old.

But the worst of it, was when it started to become competitive. I mean RubberRoss sort of just ruined any sort of fun that was left my counting his tasks, exploiting the imposter's extra vision or whatever, and all this other crap like oh my God dude, it's not that fun of a game to make it competitive. Not to mention all these weird new streamers who made this game their livelihood like that whole crying incident. 

But then what really ended it for me was seeing an among us meme called the wise imposter of the vent, and I knew it was over. Me and my friends never played it again and I eventually deleted it. It was all just one big snowball effect of cringe and exploit.

Yeah among us was fun for a bit but then people stopped playing it on twitch and YouTube and it kinda died. It’s hard to get that many people in a game together all talking and being into it. Quarantine opened the perfect opportunity for among us to become mainstream with everyone being home and bored.

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I agree, game is really poop now Sad

i dont like gatekeeping but the "sus" thing pisses me off. I stopped enjoying it when everyone tried to make references to the game, it was getting really bad.

I feel like it could've survived so much longer if they updated more regularly/made a map editor, although i do think even still its just a party game, it wasn't built to survive i don't think

the theme always changes, thats just how it is