Another book (or tip) on learning Objective C++?

I've been working to learn Objective C++ for some time now (Cocoa). 
I have Tony Gaddi's MyProgrammingLab for Starting Out with C++. 

But I find the book frustrating - especially the English. English is not my native language. Does anybody have any tips for other books?

When you say Objective C++ you mean coding for ios devices right?

SingedRyze Wrote:When you say Objective C++ you mean coding for ios devices right?
He wrote Cocoa which is an API for macOS

I would check that you're reading a book on Objective C, not C++. They are not the same language, and in fact quite different. Objective C is the language used in MacOS and iOS - although more and more you can accomplish the same with Swift, which looks to me to be much easier to write and learn.