Any games you regret purchasing?
What games do you regret purchasing? whether it was because they were bad, bored you or straight up just not worth the cash.

For me its the bruce willis ps1 game apocalypse and im sad to say the godawful godzilla on PS4.

I regret purchasing Super Mario Party (Switch) bc its just boring

Made the mistake of getting anthem could barely play the damn thing.

bought the entire neptunia series because i like the rebirth1 game. found out pretty quick that they are all more or less the same game over and over, reused assets, same lame jokes etc. was a wonderful first time playthrough as it was a silly lighthearted jrpg but progress was nowhere to be seen.

Bit of a boilerplate answer but for me it has got to be Cyberpunk 2077. it was a fine game but the hype around it and the multi decade wait pushed my expectations to beyond the very heavens themselves, and inevitably it was unable to live up to my expectations and was just riddled with garbage management and marketing choices that ruined my faith in CD Projekt Red

I regret purchasing a switch and its games. I was pretty excited playing at lauch but nowadays I barely even touch any of the games. Also regret buying nier automata

Sekiro at launch, i was just way too bad

Every single Call of Duty game I ever got was a complete waste of money. The multiplayer is miserable and sweaty and I always was left wondering why I bothered, especially when the popularity died off and you had to follow your friends to the sequel. I probably blew over 300 dollars on new titles, which is enough to have gotten a whole different console.

I bought in early to pubg. Huge mistake

Most Kickstarter games are a let down. Mech Warrior Tactics went bankrupt before the game was ever even finished.