Any manga that you recommend
You should read Dr. Stone, its one of the best ive ever read

Be careful whit what you donwload, specially documents

Thanks for the recommendations mein bruter


The "One Piece" mangas are pretty neatly drawn and written. Smile

I highly recommend Usagi Doroppu (Bunny Drop) and Boku dake ga Inai Machi (Erased). Incredibly deep and well written mangas

Berserk, dr stone and Kenichi - from heavy to breezy

Shingeki no Kyojin
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For Action I would say Fire Force and Black Clover maybe solo leveling, god of highschool and tower of god
for romance i would say Takagi-san

Shingeki no Kyojin is nearing its end and the storytelling is a masterpiece.

rental girlfriend