Any nice survival Games
I played a lot of the well known survival Games. Dir example the forest or subnautica but are there any enjoyable less known survival Games?

I enjoy Rising World, though it's one of those ones that's been in "early access" for a long time, it's still fun to sink a dozen hours into every now and then. Unturned and 7 days to die are both zombie survival crafting games, each has its strengths, though Unturned is free to play so if you just want to try it out there's no risk really. Oh, and Satisfactory. It's survival crafting, but you work on automation so you build factories spanning miles, getting progressively more complex as time goes on. Again, though, early access, though at least the devs regularly interact with the community and it's been getting good updates pretty regularly throughout it's year-or-so of development.

rust is pretty good, but toxic

7 days to die, it has no ending but still really fun.

The Long Dark.