Anyone got a cool hobby?
Hey guys, I'm looking for a new hobby. any ideas?
currently I'm into
1. model trains
2. R/C
3. Planes(Pilot/Plane spotter)
4. car guy
6. sports
I love things that go, fixing stuff, and design. (If that helps with any ideas)

I'm thinking about building a drone myself, maybe you should try like something 3d printed? Maybe like 3d printed plane/rc car?

hmmm it might not be much but i love building lego cars, i know might sound childish but the big technic ones are so fun to make, hope you find something that suits you soon

Warhammer and console emulation here.

Cool? No. Hobby? Yes.

I loom-knit small plushies. Mostly little cats.

Maybe like more complex model kits