Anyone here play Valheim?
Surprised not to see a thread for the hottest craze. I dunno why it's so hype to be honest it's a solid 7/10. Lots of annoying issues, jank combat, okayish graphics but it is pretty fun especially co op. Just needs more content and better bosses imo

My and my friends have our own server we are playing on and are very much enjoying it.
Think the hype comes from how much value there is in it given its price and that its in early access. Me and my friends have easily sunk over 30+ hrs into it and barley scratched the surface.
The game has some nice QoL features for a Survival game that make it less irritating, eg the food system, free tool/wep repairs etc.

What I admire most is that is comes from a Studio of 5 people and a publisher that has a decent rep from other titles which gives me high hopes this game will last quite a while.

To me it looks like a viking version of Ark. It'd be fun if you had a group of friends to play with but probably just okay (like you said 7/10) by yourself.

I’m super addicted to this game!!!

is this game fun or a time sink to get yourself to a decent level?

I'd recommend looking into mods, there are already a few good ones out there that fix the main issues the game currently has ( look into valheim plus)