Apple Watch 6, SE or 3?
My gen 1 Apple Watch recently died and I've been looking at buying a new one.
There is currently 3 versions on the market: Watch 6, Watch SE and Watch 3. I guess I'm having a bit of hard time deciding which one to go for.

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Series 6: If you are willing to spend more money on more health features (ecg, blood o2 reading, etc.) and get a smoother experience (more advanced tech). Oh yeah and the new colours and premium materials.
SE: If you want an affordable watch (LTE ver. costs less than the base model Series6) and are willing to let go of the health feature and always on display. Limited colour selections too.
3: Would be the cheapest of them all, but tbh just go for the SE its probably the best cheap apple watch to get now.

Personally I'll get the S6 because of the additional features and performance (and the blue colour looks sick)