Are Twitter, Facebook, Amazon etc right to ban Trump?
Are Twitter, Facebook, Amazon etc right to ban Trump? Or is this just another sinister restriction on freedom of speech?

Free market in practice. And no, not really, since he was actively egging ongoing domestic terrorist attacks he would benefit from. Anyone should be banned for that. Heck that's the minimum response warranted for that kind of thing.

I think we should carefully see what they do but I'm not alarmed. He was posting content that incited the riots so a ban makes sense

Lola kita roni likao

Yes because the same corporations that own millions of slaves in the Far East, and Africa should be the moral authority of the internet, you do realize that the CCP is actively using these corporations to gloat about how successful their genocide of the Uyghur people is going, and they have yet to be "fact-checked" or banned.

I don't think they are right in their decision to ban Trump as there are other world leaders who are not banned for spreading similar rhetoric.

Does Twitter and Facebook have right to ban Trump? Yes, since they are private companies.
Should Trump be banned? No, because everyone has the right to free speech in America.
Look back at ACLU-KKK case where ACLU was defending KKK's right to free speech. ACLU didn't agree with what KKK stands for but defended their right to free speech.
Would it have been better if Trump got a warning or a temporary suspension? Probably depending on their policy and rationale.
Should Amazon have banned Parler? I don't know what the F that was all about. What did Parler do? Trump doesn't own Parler. Does he even have Parler account?

Freedom of speech only applies to the government. A service can do whatever they want.

That being said, to choose to ban him after he lost the election and saying "we're doing our part!" is a little too convenient.

First they came for the Alex Jones
And I did not speak out
Then they came for Trump
And I did not speak out
Then they came for Republicans
And I did not speak out
Then they came for Democrats
And I did not speak out
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

If Trump is doing stuff that harms their platform, or they simply dislike, they can do whatever they want.

Its all performative bullshit. Why wait until now to ban him?

nah the guynshould be ablento say what he likes