Are humans meant to be monogamous? Is monogamy better for society?
Obviously we live in a society with enforced monogamy. For the most part that's been the case for a long time. But there were certainly periods of time in history where poly relationships were more common, particularly men having multiple women. I read a book a long time back that used evolutionary psychology to argue that monogamy is not the most natural way for humans. As for the society question, I've seen arguments both ways. The status quo is monogamous relationships and (as of recent times) the nuclear family. However plenty societies in history have not followed the nuclear family model and use a more communal form of children raising ("it takes a village..."). It's not hard to see how poly relationships could be paired with more social, communal forms of children raising.

Do you think poly or mono relationships are more natural? Do you think one of the other is better for society?

Monogamy is better for the family unit, but now we live in a day and age that there is fear of missing out and over whelming amount of options. Divorce rates likely to continue to sky rocket and marriage rates will continue to go down.

both have pros & cons,

to say more natural really depends on what environment you belong, since humans historically could be applied in both. we have tried & tested both though the old times. that it could work & fail at the same time
but from the way you're saying it. it's multiple marriages composed of a man and one or more woman. which is pretty rare these days & it is prevalent mostly to muslims but only the wealthiest of the wealthiest are practicing these as an i incapable man will not be able to provide for both his families financially, not to mention twice the responsibility
that's why the practice of poly is only for the most elite men in the old times but that has shifted since in some cultures women are more important than men, since women are the only ones capable of child bearing

also for a better side try watching this

RE: Are humans meant to be monogamous? Is monogamy better for society?.

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To answer the your comment above, historically poly relationships would have been only a man and multiple women, but I think if we were to see a shift away from monogamy today it would probably be a more gender-free form of polyamory.

To an evolutionary perspective, polygamy is a better choice. Our society is structured to reinforce monogamy but that it's not how it should be. This is the reason why the top 1% men have lots of options while the vast majority only a bunch of partners to choose from.

monogamy is the way, if you think otherwise you have not been in a mutually beneficial relationship