Attack on titan
Thoughts on the attack on titan ending? I know a lot of fans are mad, but personally I don't mind it. Hoping to see the anime adaptations soon.

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Interesting for sure, especially with Ymir ending her spell after presumably seeing Mikasa end “hers” by killing Eren

I didn't like it when people's abilities to transform is there....

It’s alright. I liked the part where Eren and Armin walk through the sights they’ve always wanted to see, but some lines were cheesy and eren’s outburst was just meh.

I have very appreciate the snk ending, specially for Livaï who is the only survivor of the first survey cops generations'. It's looks like the Code Geass ending with Lelouch.

Interesting for sure

it was good but the last season wasn't as good as the last ones

its a nice and beautiful ending, why the rage?

I think the ending's alright, a bit rushed but hey the ErenxMikasa fans got to see their kiss and Eren admitting then he loves Mikasa romantically. I would have loved to see what happened to the characters past everyone just being friends and on the boat together.

It's better than GoT's ending for sure.

I honestly was kind of disappointed with the ending (though the extra pages that were written helped to clarify some details).
In my honest opinion, the character development train of Eren is a complete wreck.
He goes from being a hard-edge kid, to becoming family/friends oriented, then back to hating everyone and then he turns himself into a crybaby.
The thoughts he brings to the table don't justify his actions. It seemed mediocre even. He decides to kill all nations, flatten the Earth as he repeats countless times then to have a chat with Armin (who he beat up previously) about loving Mikasa.

As an Eren x Mikasa fan, this closure is alright at best. I preferred their relationship when they were fighting the titans and not Eren becoming all-mighty God of all titans.

The highlight of the final arc was Levi killing Zeke. No questions about that.

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