Anyone here from Australia

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bruh u all the way in australia. lmao

Heyyo!! I am!!

hey there!!

I have family in Australia displaced by the fires. Everyone's okay but it sounds incredibly disruptive.

i have alot of friends from online gaming in australia and visied in 2007

Billybob4854 Wrote:Anyone here from Australia
Aussie Aussie Oi Oi

If the cops didn't stop my dad, maybe.

really want to visit someday. that and new zealand

fires are gone now for the most part but its flooding now. this place is wonderful

My old buds are but I've lost touch

I have some friends from there hope they're okay

What you doing in Australia?

Have family in Australia, been there a few times

No but I wanna see some kangaroo's!

I traveled there and it was really nice. Hope it will recovered after the bush fires

Oi, are you guys in Australia able to phish snapchats like we do here in the States?? got an absolute gem i cant reach sadly