Avacados are overrated
Avocado toast is so overpriced for no reason that it's a meme. Is avocado's popularity the reason it costs so much extra to add on to foods?

i hate avocado in anything except for sushi tbh

Thank you at least there's someone who has the same opinion as me

really depends on which country, there are a lot of countries in SEA where avocados are insanely cheap because it's native in that country.
but good god, fruits domestically grown here in my country are insanely expensive, really envious of some countries where they freely allow importation of fruits from other country. while here Fruits are " Luxury" foods since the government are hard against importation & what not

But what about avocados? I love em but yes they're too expensive

Too expensive here as well. You can buy a lot of other fruits for the same price.

Love em once, hate it now with no reason..
Probably because in the past we ate them with nothing but chocolate sauce.. now they put it everywhere..

its just a trend, avocadoes dont even have a taste tho they’re pretty good in smoothies, aso very overpriced

I would agree with this post honestly. Very insightful!

Agreed haha. They’re good in certain foods but def overrated

Not overrated, overused. Avocados are great, but no one should be doing things like putting it on toast just because they can.

The people who love it seem to find it very tasty, buttery/creamy and all but I guess different people has different likings. I don't particularly think they're great and think they taste too earthy for my liking, though Avocado milkshakes are pretty nice to drink.

Yeah their pretty overrated

Avocado on toast bread is lame.