
Bambidoe, Sauce Father Only Fans Sex Tape

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I guess this the new style now, rappers making sextapes and shit....shit is weird, but I guess the music ain't doing too good, or they need more clout?

Technically, this is at least the second tape they did (that I know of), as she did a double BJ scene with Karmyn Sandiego, and you can match the abdominal tats to Sauce. Might be more out there, I know they been together for a while now, and she a full time thottie. I can see why tho, Bambi head game tight, yes laaaaawd

I have a few more clips with rappers, was thinking of posting the Solo Lucci one next? If peeps be interested that is....

Bambidoe, Sauce Father Only Fans Sex Tape.

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  • tuneComments: 40(Click to expand)
    Cool but I actually hope it works

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