Battlefield 6
Is anyone hyped for battlefield 6 coming out at the end of this year? the last 2 were pretty boring for me being ww1 and ww2. Looking forward to using modern weapons and vehicles again

[+] 1 user Likes johnnycotton29's post
Can't wait for a trailer

[+] 1 user Likes Owen Lasta's post
Really looking forward to it, needing something other than warzone to play

[+] 1 user Likes mitt27's post
Ohhh ya can’t wait for this release. Although you guys thing it’s gonna be another EA money grab?

[+] 1 user Likes Bob_sheldon's post
I mean I absolutely loved BF1 but yes im still super hyped for another modern shooter especially since I played BF4 the most

[+] 2 users Like Nick Savirin's post
I absolutely loved BF1 (BFV not so much), but I can't wait to get back to a more modern setting. Rumor has it that BF6 (or apparently just "Battlefield") will be set in the "near" future, so I guess we could see something similar to what Black Ops II tried? Either way, here's hoping that DICE can finally get a grip of their own game again and present something worthwhile like BF3/4.

[+] 1 user Likes Schorchi's post
Honestly I just hope they keep the smoothness of the last few games. What weapons there will be isnt really that important when the gameplay stays as fluent.

I hope the trailer will be beautiful At

the ww1 was kind of gun tbh, but the ww2 was boring, now im guessing we are getting just a bf4 with new grafics

Yeah I’m extremely hyped for a new game from dice even though 1 and 5 were kinda eh. I’m excited to finally see modern maps and weapons really gets me pumped. Hopefully it’s good and not some pay to win game

Yikes, how are you tolerating warzone that game just went completely downhill with how bad the dev team is with listening to its fan base with the hackers and balancing issues

Sheeshh wsiting that game for a long time bf1 is still better than bf5 to me so cant wait to play bf6

I'm so fucking excited to return to modern weaponry and vehicles
I definitely agree that the previous titles haven't really filled my cravings either