Bayonetta Games
As a fan of DMC and MGR, would Bayonetta be the "next step" for me? Seen gameplay but am not too sure if it'll be the kinda hack and slash I am looking for.

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I've played all of DMC and Bayonetta will be right up your alley. In fact, it's actually a bit more complex than DMC to me. In DMC you can still get combos going without having to do too much, but with Bayonetta there are so many little things you can do.

Plus the absurdity of the events in the game definitely rival DMC. I won't spoil anything, but the final's seriously one of the most stupidly epic things I've ever seen. Seriously, give it a try.

Bayonetta is one of my top games.
Bayonetta 2 more so over the first as they changed up some of the mechanics which made it play way better. If I was going to play Bayonetta again I wouldnt play the first one the changes were that significant imo.

There is a story there although it can get lost given how wild it becomes in parts. Bayonetta 1 has an anime adaptation but its skip pretty big chunks of the story.

I've never played Beyonetta but the soundtrack and tall hair mommy intrigue me

The battle system is a little different from DMC, but it does fit that type of game. I think you will enjoy it. Games from PlatinumGames are great imo.

Do yourself a favour and play bayonetta At