Beginner Learner
I want to learn how to code and I want to know if there’s any recomendable sites or apps to use. Additionally, what would be the best language to learn for a beginner?

There are a bunch of threads here on this, but Jave or Python are best for you. Google videos on beginning programming. Pretty much everything is on the internet now, so don't shell out money for programming books. Take your time, don't rush it, and remember that there's a lot to learn.

I started learning JavaScript. and it helped me understand the basics of programing

I like python the best personally

Learn C++ first, then move onto Python, skip Java.

c# or python

I agree with thunder.

free code camp, try c++ before python

If you're teaching yourself then it depends on what sort of projects you find interesting. Staying engaged is important.

If it's websites, try Javascript. Freecodecamp used to be good but I'm not sure anymore. A word of warning that this is a fast moving space with lots of different trendy frameworks etc.

If you like to see results quickly, try python. This is also good for data analysis.

If you don't mind a little longer to get going, but are wanting good skills for industry then I'd say c#. This teaches good skills for app development also.

And if you really really want to know how things work and have great patience, then C. It's bare bones and painful to code in, but you learn a lot. Not for the faint of heart.

I have to echo everyone here, I started with c++ years ago and moved to c# and python. I found c# easier to pick up and there are good course options for both. coursera or edx offer decent courses for the basics but a big setback with MOOCs or using videos is you learn by watching instead of doing which makes for a tough awakening on your first project. I actually posted a request recently for hands on opportunities and will be happy to update this with what I find? I've also been considering freecodeacademy as a possible next step. Best of luck!

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C beats C++ anytime

learn python. i recommend automate the boring stuff with python for beginners. the author have a book, an online version of the book is hosted for free. also there is a udemy course by the author.

First language doesnt matter too much, easy to learn others after. Just do python or javascript first but commit to whichever you do. lots of free resources but if you like kinda linear structure i recommend codecademy good place to start

Java is good for OOP

Easy way to get yourself started is to buy a raspberry pi and a starter kit for it. Lots of books and videos out there showing all kinds of cool programming projects you can learn on the cheap.