Beginner wanting to get into programming
Hi, I'm a beginner with absolutely no experience but I do want to get into programming, due to its value as a skill in today's society and since I have family members and friends who are programmers. What would be some good introductory resources for someone like me and what are some ways I can quickly make it useful in my life, so that I can keep up learning how to program

Cliche answer, but YouTube is your best friend. The market for web design is huge right now, could even go the visual code direction and build apps.

You could also check out codeacademy

My best advice, assuming you're American, is to use YouTube to go over fundamentals or search for free O'Reilly or No Starch books on Python or Java (that's how I got into it) and try some coding to see if you like it. I would also recommend some free websites like code academy. Basically, you want to get to the point where you hit your head against the wall and try googling things to come up with a solution. That's your a-ha moment. Makes you really see if you enjoy learning coding to actually invest time and money into it. The reason I said, if you're American, is to then go apply to a community college and take their intro classes and try to get an associates. Unfortunately, while you may be able to self-teach, a lot of doors are closed without a degree, or at least it will be significantly harder. 

I would not recommend a bootcamp over a degree assuming the costs are the same.