Best Podcasts on Youtube
I've watched the H3H3 podcast and the joe rogan experiance,but I want to broaden my horizens. Can anyone reccomend some interesting podcasts.

i like joe rogan personally

[quote] any good recomendations i commute to skool like 1hr i need someting to hear

If you're into space travel and such then, 13 Minutes to the Moon is an amazing series!

I've always liked the Dude Soup Podcast from Funhaus

I am really fond of the Kinda Funny Podcast.

I know not everyone likes Greg Miller but ge cracks me up

Joe rogan himself isn’t great, but he gets some awesome guests on his podcasts

Joe rogan podcast probably the best thing out Right now.

The College Info Geek Podcast on Youtube by Thomas Frank, definitely alleviates the productivity desires that I randomly get hahaha.

Freakonomics is a good conceptual podcast. Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell is good too