Best SoulsBourne game
i know i am really late to the party on this, but i have just been gifted Dark Souls 2 and 3, Bloodbourne, Nioh 2 and sekiro.

i am prepared to die as i know these games are tough. but which is the most fun? I want to play the best first so i can enjoy myself as i get used to the punishment haha.

so, which is the best soulsbourne type game?

I have to say Bloodborne. I will die ofhhappyness if we ever get a 60 fps patch.

Bloodborne's my favourite but is also one of the hardest to get into so I wouldn't recommend that or sekiro as your introduction to the series. 2's a black sheep with a few issues but has some unique ideas as well.
I'd recommend playing 3 first seeing as you don't have 1, gameplay-wise they're probably the easiest to get into. It's a bit if a wierd order to do things but most of the story is behind the scenes so you don't miss out that much by playing them out of order.