Best Youtube Channels for Cooking/Learning to Cook?
I've recently started to get into cooking a bit more and was just wondering if you guys have any recommendations for any YouTube cooking channels?

I do like You Suck At Cooking but it's more jokey and less instructional. Just wondering if you guys have others in mind
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"Tasty" 20m subs ? is awesome channel you could check out

Binging with babish

Binging with Babish is my go to. He cooks pop culture foods mostly and has recipes for them on his site, but he also teaches how to cook normal everyday food items. So it's a great mix if you want something more serious or something more fun.

Joshua Weissman does some nice tutorials and his tiktoks are sort of rapid-fire recipes too.
Adam Ragusea is also good, but I feel he goes more in a food science approach which I like as well

Joshua Weissman comes off as being a little obnoxious to me haha but he knows his stuff
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You Suck At Cooking is a lot of fun

not very educational but some recepies are easy to follow.

I dont even cook but really enjoy that channel

Bit more upscale, but I really enjoy Joshua Weissman!

Binging with Babish is perfect since he likes to make foods from TV shows and movies. He even would change the food to become more appetizing/edible if it turns out to be bad

I've been watching Food Wishes for more about a good decade. John's got himself a vast array of recipes that you could try out.
Plus, his videos are brief enough for you to get the gist of things, though he does have a blog where he gets into the nitty-gritty for each recipe.