Best call of duty ever?
Imo cod 4 was the most revolutionary and is still a perfect game today what do you think?

i loved black ops 1.

[+] 1 user Likes Profitz's post
BF1 is what I like the most.

Followed by an actual COD game, Advanced Warfare. Still think the Battlefield series is better than CoD.

World at War had a great campaing and multiplayer was pretty fun aswell. Sadly nowadays mp is filled with hackers. It's pretty wacky

Mw2 easily set the starndard for modern FPS

Modern Ware trilogy was the best.

Considering how many memes came out of those games, they're phenomenal .

I'd say BO2 is the best yet. Well written story, a good and sympathetic villain, multiple ending, great variety of weapon (futuristic and historical), you name it.

[+] 2 users Like PedoJoe's post
Honestly think this discussion's answer is different for everyone because i think most of our opinion on the best cod is based on the one that we had the best memories with. For me its BO2. Me and the boys would get on every single night and play multiplayer till midnight then switch to zombies till 2am

Bo2 or bo3 , bo1 was one of my favorites too

It has to be BO2, it was the first COD where I played a lot of multiplayer instead of the story, it still holds up to this day

Of course, COD4.