How to get away with murder, FRIENDS, how I met your mother, Community, Walking Dead, American Horror Stories, these enough should take you around 2-4 months depends on how much you binge a day
the original poster should have mentioned what he has already seen. Some of the best shows are short-running. So instead of watching one show with many seasons, why not prefer many shows with a lower number of episodes?
Most Users here have posted comedies, the usual one's everybody has seen. One of the funniest comedy-shows I've ever seen is Arrested Developement. It only has 4 good seasons and the episodes are short. Clever rapid fire comedy which is probably not anyones taste. I think it's minor success compared to other shows of the genre is due to the partly serial structure. You'll need to watch it from the beginning and in the right ordner, unlike most comedies with a more episodic plot structure.