Brian Laundrie's stuff found along with human remains
guessing he is dead...interested to see if they can determine if it was self-inflicted or what...

Five bodies have been found, and one body was found, quite conveniently, with his notebook laying around. And Laundrie just happened to go to all of these locations? Way too convenient. Wayyyyyy to convenient.

I've never seen the government so desperate to get peoples' attention onto this story. If they're revealing the bodies of persons missing for ages, then the FBI is having to betray some secrets, just to desperately try to keep everyone's attention. That isn't a good thing for the government. It means that they feel like they've lost control, and are forcing the FBI to reveal some secrets they don't want to. Which makes me think the government may end up lashing out. But it also explains why they're trying to control us via the vax's/supply chain failures: because it's the only things they feel like they have control over. The government very much reacts as individual humans do.

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It's gotta be a suicide. I can't see how else that would have happened. Probably over the guilt or fear of being caught.