Bringing food to movies
You're technically breaking the rules if you bring food into the movie theater, but I don't feel bad for sneaking food in. The food from the concession stands are outrageously overpriced. Do people look down on people who sneak food in or is that a norm? Do they do anything if they catch you?

I think it's a necessity! You just have to bring some snacks. Those popcorn at the theater are disqusting, too salty etc.

Lots of people bring in their own snacks. If a manager catches you, you'll likely be kicked out but I'm sure a ticket taker wouldn't care.

Just don’t bring anything too crunchy

Honestly if you're not disturbing anyone and you make a half-decent attempt to be sneaky then the workers aren't going to give a damn. They're not paid enough for it.

Just don't bring a whole banquet. I've always sneaked in food

as long as you are being respectful and not just leaving shit all over the place I think its fine

Hide it in a coat pocket! All you have to do is get in the theater, then anyone will think you bought it normally

The prices are outrageous. Just bring your own food

I think at this point it's just expected that people are going to sneak in food.