Can anyone recommend me some good Romance Anime’s or Anime in general?
I won’t lie 2020 seems to be my biggest slump when it comes to watching shows/anime. Last thing I watched was Re zero season 2 which was AMAZING by the way but anything after that I have no clue. If anyone could recommend me a show to get into then I would probs go take a look at it, preferably romance because I usually connect most with them most but go ahead and recommend anything really. But if y’all need some recommendations you can never go wrong with “Re:Life”(romance) or “One Piece”(Shounen).

Tsurezure children
Kaguya-sama Love is war
Your lie in april
Plastic memories

Some of em are romcom, but these are the few that I've watched. Personally I prefer darker themed anime such as Psycho pass, Gakkou gurashi, Death parade, Mirai nikki, Overlord, Made in abyss, and The Promised neverland

For romance I would recommend "Golden Time" and "Amagami SS". Golden Time has some heavy drama and some light supernatural elements in the storytelling. Amagami has a highschool setting but is excellent because of the many different possible love interest and the structure.

Kamisama Hajimemashita is the very first romance anime I've liked.

kaicho wa maid-sama and kimi no todoke

If you're fine with anime movies as well, you should definitely try Your Name, great story and great music.
Apart from that I haven't really watched many romance ones tbh. Just not my kind of genre.
I like One Piece and the all time classics like death note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hellsing and so on. Ghibli films are all pretty neat too, but I guess you already knew that lel

Mob Psycho 100 to laugh, Cowboy Bebop to rewatch, and The Devil is a Part timer.

I have watched lots of anime but havent watched many romcoms yet. Still, one of the only ones i have seen is Love is War and it has become part of my favorite animes, I even had to read the manga because of how much I loved it. The whole idea of the show, the story and the characters are great and i dont feel it falls under the classic romance stories, giving it a little twist. Am sorry i can only reccommed 1 anime, but well if it isnt a great one. Hope you like it. 

Also if u r okay with anime movies go with Your Name, truly a good one too.

Watch (or read) kawaii complex. It's funny as hell. You could also try wotakoi if u dont want the highschool romcom setting

I want to eat your pancreas  sure it may be a movie but it's fantastic and it even made me cry so must watch
Kokoro Connect-sure romance isn't the primary part of the show but even if it's on the side the romance is still pretty nice and a good addition to the anime overall making for a better experience 
a silent voice if you've not seen it yet
your name if you've not seen it yet
Re:Life which is a very interesting show with a nice add-on of romance 
Baki 2018 the romance is totally on the side but the anime is so much fun 
I will recommend you a short manga also for a breath of fresh air which is Seven days

+1 for Your Lie in April. It's AMAZING imo. I'd say it's a romantic or maybe a romcom.

I heard that Clannad is the classic.