Cats or Dogs? What do you prefer?
A cat would be the best option.

Cats because they are more independent. With dogs you gotta be more attentive, taking them for walks etc.

Dogs are human's best friend cats only come to eat

It depends on what type of person you are, I personally like cats more because they're less work

For me dogs.

I personally like cats. You can leave them alone when you go out to do things and they are relatively low maintenance.

I prefer dogs, but I think it's just because they are usually more accepting to strangers.

Cats require much less effort but can be annoying and destroy your stuff. I would still recommend them though.

dogs are better

i like dogs more

I can love both, but Cats hold a higher preference for me, I think they suit my lifestyle more, since dogs need more dedication and responsibility, not saying you’re free from these with Cats, but it takes less to keep up with a Pet Cat.

Both are great and offer different things.

Get yourself a dog. A dog will not only be your companion, but also your guard. Dogs are loyal asf.

Think about it like this. If you get a dog, and train it properly it will also defend your home from any potential threats, like robbers and thieves. Because it recognizes that your property is also theirs.

The cat is so cute XDDDD

My dog is my best friend for life but I wouldn't mind a cat as long as my dog gets along with it

Deffo cats since you dont have to walk them lol

100% Dog. Nothing like unconditional love from man's best friend

dogs are better

Definietly a Cat

I love both dogs and cats, but i prefer cats.