Cheat days?
To everyone currently on a diet, do you have a cheat day? If so, how often does it occur and what's your go to cheat meal? Personally, every Saturday is a cheat day for me where I like to eat carbs. Usually a fancy burger of some sorts is my cheat meal which works out since I only need to maintain my current weight and not lose any pounds.

I've been chubby/fat my entire childhood and years ago decided to do something about it - I spent roughly 5 years understanding nutrition, dieting, and what does or doesn't work for my body (granted, I have a VERY slow metabolism). I've made it from 250 down to 190 in the past, but after some medical problems and weight-gaining medication I skyrocketed back up to roughly 260. Thankfully all that is no longer a problem, and I'm at 225 and on my way to sub-200 again.

Now, if you're happy where you are and trying to maintain weight, my best advice is to do it for several weeks and track your weight at least 3-5 times per week. When tracking, always weigh yourself first thing in the morning before consuming anything and after going to the bathroom to be as consistent as possible. Once you've done this for about a month you'll be able to gauge for yourself. I myself can't afford to eat less than perfectly, but I know plenty of people with fast metabolisms who eat fast food 3x per week and pasta whenever they want and are as skinny as a twig.

My general (not personalized, not novel-long) advice for people trying to lose weight, in case they come across this thread, is this:
Skip the calorie counting, skip trying to decide whether you did well enough to earn a cheat day, it's all headache
(Realistically everything has a little carbs, even vegetables, so "NO" carbs isn't 100% literal, but stick to foods which are Fats and Proteins, plus you can have non-starchy vegetables, and beans are okay despite being carbs since they metabolize very slowly)
Do this for 3-4 weeks, and you literally don't want to eat carbs and sugar anymore. The cravings are just gone. My friend had Halloween candy in front of me the other day, and my normal fatass self could eat the whole basket in one sitting - but I looked at it, thought "hey, that would probably be pretty good but I'm not going to ruin my streak and suffer cravings for 3 more weeks for some candy" and the temptation was minimal, if even there at all.

[+] 1 user Likes Junkmannn's post
I’ve been doing the 16/8 diet aka intermittent fasting and surprisingly after a few weeks, you won’t think of any cheat day as it become a routine. With that said, there are some days where you might eat a little early just purely based on the timing and schedule of your day v

[+] 1 user Likes As112k517's post
I cheat here and there whenever the mood comes about, not so much about a day per se. everything in moderation!

[+] 1 user Likes Jwolf4's post
maybe one cheat day a month at most, any more and you're a weak-minded person that will never have results

having a cheat day here or there is fine. it's all about calories in/calories out. as long as you maintain a caloric deficit overall, you'll be losing weight.

Salt diet here because of stones. I try one cheat day a week and just make sure to drink a lot more than usual

cheat day its bullshit, you can eat any food but calories in one day fix for diet