If you havent watch the HBO series yet I highly recommend it.

Its very dark and atmospheric, which I like.

Plus, having looked into the disaster more after watching the show, I can tell you its pretty accurate in telling the events of the disaster.

This means that it is good at explaining the science behind what happened that night in a way that is easy to understand for those of us who are not nuclear scientists... such as myself.

The acting is amazing and directing is great too

I highly recommend it

Yes I agree its one of the best!

Completely agree! Binge-watched them all in 1 sitting

Watched them all after seeing a youtube video on chernobyl. The series is great, i’d give it a 9/10

it's one of the best mini series of all time

ill have a look one day, itll be put in my list

its very good. I was actually surprised to learn that the mini series were actually very close to reality. except the team of scientists was replaced by a woman in the show.

I binge watched the HELL out of Chernobyl. It was fantastic. The visuals were great, the writing was amazing, and the weight of the situation was depicted so well.

yes, for sure one of the best series i have watched recently

Been looking forward to it for a while, will check it out

Craaaaaazy good show mate, gotta watch it!

Where is it streaming on?

Try HBO, worked for me