Christmas Gift Ideas
Let's hear em! Got lots of people to buy for of all ages. Obviously gaming systems would be great but are in high demand so tough to get. Weighted blankets seem to be all the rage right now. Food-related gifts seem fun and appropriate. Are there any pandemic related gifts that would be good to think about? Things for the home until the pandemic is over?

How about a juicer?

Try dumbbell sets or other gym related items for those who like to workout and cant go to the gym.

Other than those, personally I wouldn't mind simple things like a mug or books to read

playstation 5 or some roast turkey fr you could also get them books

Speaking of things that have been all the rage over lockdown a sourdough starter kit would sure be a gift that keeps on giving. For kids maybe a FlyNova drone toy or similar - looks like a lot of fun actually.