Civ games
I had never played any of the Civilization games until recently when I bought Civ 6. It's a really interesting game, and I like the depth that it has. But I always get to a certain point in a game and just get exhausted and end up quitting.

Is there a secret to making it through these games, or is it just too slow paced for me?

I have it set to "Online" speed, by the way.

I believe such games are really take time. To make it as immersive as possible

same as above, it takes a while to get a game going

I find the game really gets good once you can really explore shallow waters

the game is fun but I love early exploration waaaaay more than late-game stuff. once all the land is settled I just get bored to be honest

I love civ 5 and 6. I spent 50h playing with brother

games are very long, easily 50+ hours per game on default speeds

I found this game really good

I'm not a really big fan of this game genre but i really have to say that the game itself is pretty enjoyable so.. if you are discovering it i suggest you to spend some time on learning how it works and then playing it maybe harder, just to have some challenge in conquering everything hahha

i have a fond memory from civ rev playing with a full lobby of friends they all battled it out forgetting about me i ended up just winning from a scientific victory due to 3 of them rushing me