Classic Vs. Old School
Do you guys find yourselves going back to old titles like Starcraft I, Diablo II, and Thief The Dark Project more then returning to newer games after beating them? I myself have a backlog a mile long of old and new, but when the fancy strikes me to play something i've already beaten, its usually a game from my childhood like Sly Cooper or X-Wing for the PC rather then say Black Ops or Borderlands. 

What are your preferences? For me it seems like modern gaming rarely has that spark that keeps you coming back well after the fact.

I personally prefer newer games but then again, I do play Dota 2.

I loved gta Sad

if they do a higi quality remaster i would pay

Personally, I've been going back to games where I can just grind with a couple of buddies. Like Warframe and borderlands

I don't play games that you "beat" anymore, it's mostly games that you can pick up and play for a couple hours at any time.

Starcraft I is always fun. Vice City is still better than GTA 5 imo. There are some really old games I've never played before that are freeware now, and they're breddy gud.

If it's going through an entire game once more, then it's a mix of both. For example, I would love to complete BOTW again with the new knowledge I have gained. If the game is a more linear one, then there's an issue since you already know every exact moment that occurs. However, in a more open world scenario where there are many different options to choose to go through, I'd love to play that.

It's hard not to go back for the known gratification of familiar games. Just went back to Bloodborne for another run last year. Maybe I'm getting old but I've been tending to do the same with movies and such too.

i get nostalgic to play a lot of the old cod games like world at war and blops 1 mainly for the zombies