Convince me why I should watch GoT
I must be about the only person on the planet under 30 that hasn't seen GoT.

When the first season started I was in a phase where I was already kind of overdosed on fantasy shows, so I avoided watching it.  And then the longer I left it. the less inclined I became because watching it would mean catching up on all the eps from the start Big Grin

Now I'm back in the mood for a decent fantasy series, but still not sure whether it's worth committing the time to GoT when I'll have to watch through 73 eps lol.  Can those who have watched it tell me why I should bite the bullet and start it?

First 2 seasons are rather decent, it goes off the rails, for me at least , after that so on second thoughts, don't bother lmao.

I've not watched either but I think it will be hard not to at some point given the sheer popularity and scale of it at some point, especially with the supposed spin offs.

Blanco Yakari Wrote:First 2 seasons are rather decent, it goes off the rails, for me at least , after that so on second thoughts, don't bother lmao.
Haha, not sure that's the most convincing argument! Big Grin But appreciate the honest opinion, thanks.

Honestly all of the seasons are great except maybe the last 2

if you like fantasy it is a good watch excluding last season

It's a great show with good character development right up until season 7 and 8

its an amazing show

dragons tits and great storyline

Thanks to everybody for replying.

So the story I'm getting is that it's good series but that it kinda jumped the shark near the end of its run.  I guess I could watch the first few seasons and then stop before they get crappy   Tongue

But I know myself, and it I've already invested that many hours in watching all the rest of the episodes then I'd probably end up watching the last seasons too just to feel like I completed it, but then be mad about not enjoying them lol.  Simplest way for me to avoid that will be to not watch it, period.

Except ... if there's spinoff series coming (which I hadn't known about) then they might be good, and I'd probably get more out of those spinoffs if I've watched the original series!  Gah ... can't decide lmao!! Big Grin

Decapitations on nudity. Everything a good show needs.

If you like some medieval setting with a good production quality GoT is really good.

honestly it's super bad in last season but the buildup is quite nice
it's not really worth it because you dont like it to begin with

schmidtfrederic58 Wrote:Decapitations on nudity. Everything a good show needs.
lmao, i guess so Big Grin

shack5932 Wrote:honestly it's super bad in last season but the buildup is quite nice
it's not really worth it because you dont like it to begin with
i don't like it and i don't not like it ... i've never watched it lol.  at the time it first started i just wasn't in the mood for another fantasy series
i'm definitely getting that the last season or two were less than great, everybody seems to be down on then lol

Just forget about it and watch the Witcher instead

I stopped watching it after season 4, not my cup of tea. But you might enjoy it!

i got hooked, but i also heard people cant get past season 3

cuase it suck asshole

Dont. Save yourself the frustration. Read the books if you would like but the show spirals into nonsense.

The best you should do it's not watch, for sure