Covid world impact
Hey guys just wondering, do you think that some the measures put in place to curb the spread of the virus such as wearing masks and social distancing, should be part of a permanent new normal for going forward?

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Yes I definitely do think alot of those measures will constitute a new normal.

I kind of stopped wearing masks for different things. I'm not sure what the "norm" is anymore since it's all I've known for over a year now.

Men, definely i think that whear masks, or some stuffs like these will be the new normal.

China and India is on the rise again, anyone followed those?

We'll definitely have a new normal going forward.

Masks CANNOT stop the spread of Covid, aka the flu. You really fucking think that they should be permanent going forward?

During the 1918 Spanish Flu (courtesy of Bill Gates's grandpa), most people died from bacterial pneumonia, which came from WEARING MASKS TOO MUCH. The same fucking masks we're forced to wear.

I really don't know what will happen next, so much question come inside my head

i hope the mask thing stays for a few places..

Honestly as long as people wash their hands more and hand sanitizer stations become more common then the world will be a better place