Data science internship advice
I have a data science internship this summer at a big tech company. I'm really excited but don't have much real experience with data science. My relevant background is in econometrics, and I worked as a software engineer for a teeny bit. If anyone could share some advice on what to expect and how I should be preparing, I would greatly appreciate it.

I've never dealt in data science, so idk what to tell you on that. I'd just expect to be a slave doing a lot of menial tasks and data entry. Just do your best and ask if you don't know. Work your ass off and get a good reference or two out of that place.

OP, do you have any ideas what sort of platforms, etc you're basically going to use? BIG data is huge out there, and Business Objects is used heavily.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
I know they use AWS, but I'm not sure which services specifically. I've considered trying to get the AWS machine learning certificate before I start. I'll be working on building ML and regression models for one of their marketing marketing campaigns, A/B testing, and causal inference on the marketing strategies on long term sales.

So some advice with regards to AWS, sadly you're not working now, but business can actually PAY you IF you pass your certification, however, if you want a headstart even, you can have your own AWS console, etc. I believe they have a free service that expires after x months, it's been a hot second since I actually delved into it.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
dont fap on the job!!!!

[+] 1 user Likes bigsmigga123's post
The best advice I can give is be honest, open, and teachable. They should understand that you're an intern and will likely no l be more than happy to teach you stuff.

Mistyped there. They will probably be more than happy to teach you.

ask questions whenever you are stuck, this might save you a lot of time and trouble

Don't be afraid to ask for help. As an intern you're not expected to know everything and asking for help is a skill/virtue that many take for granted nowadays

You'll be given simple data capture tasks at first and then, as your knowledge builds, you'll be included in analytics duties.  Go with the flow, admit when you don't know anything because you're lead/boss is going to know anyway.

I think one of the most important things is to figure out what they expect really from you. Do they want a glorified software engineer with data skills? Or do they want a self performing data science generalist? That usually will help you pinpoint what you need to learn for your role too