Dating During COVID
With the increased risks of life these days, as well as mandatory distancing orders in some places, how are you all finding dating during COVID? It's not ultra bad where I'm at, but I still find myself being extra cautious, and cutting back on my usage of dating apps. How have ya'll adjusted?

I don't date at all currently. My family and close friends are more important and i don't wanna risk there health just to have possibly horrible date with a stranger Big Grin

Now I think my family and closest friends are more important than having a romantic relationship. So I ain't really dating atm.

It's just tough, unfortunately....but on the positive note, you can focus more on yourself and your family

Just jerk yourself off honestly.

If you are trying to find casual relationships right now, it's not worth the risk to affect the people around you unless you think something real is going to happen in the relationship.

My gf have mainly been texting and video messaging each other. We've only physically seen each other 2 times in the past 8 months. We make it work somehow.

i've risked the biscuit a couple times for some quick (but good) nuts...thankfully i've eluded the beer bug thus far (as far as i am aware)