Dating tips
Im a guy in my 20’s, and i have sweaty hands. It really makes dating hard since I cant really touch her since my hands are sweaty especially when I’m nervous... anyone got any ideas how to deal with this

Go on walks or do stuff outside now when it's cold outside and wear gloves. Then after a few dates, you might get less nervous or could tell her about your sweaty hands when you know each other a bit more.

Get comfortable with girls as friends. It will help improve your social skills and calm down your nerves

If you want something quick and relatively effective, you could use an odorless antiperspirant like a deodorant. Just apply a tiny film on one hand and rub it in together with your hands, like a moisturizer. You might need to reapply every once in awhile because it may rub off, so use on your own discretion.

Bring a napkin so you can wipe your hands, or a small hand sanitizer

I guess the most important thing in dating is to be yourself because sooner or later you will need to take your mask of anyway if you are planning a longterm relationship. It's hard to tell more because people are different some prefer rough and cocky partners while others love soft and romantic guys

I don't think you should be stressed about it. I am brave enough to say, it doesn't matter for the girl, if she likes you, just for you. Don't be nervous about it (i know it's easy to say), just be yourself what includes your hands. If you are over some date experiance, you will be less excited, and more confident.

I used to talk to someone that had hyperhidrosis and their hands would get basically soaking wet. However, they told me beforehand and explained that's why they didn't want to hold my hand but I think any understandable person would be okay with it as long as you routinely wash your hands/dry it off. Nerves are normal! Even girls get nervous for dates! You can try facetiming/talking on the phone before meeting up so you can get more comfortable with them.