Daylight Savings Time US
So, we got to “enjoy” spring forward today and lose an hour of asleep. Why are we doing this nonsense still? I grew up thinking it helped farmers or something but it turns out that was a myth. Can we just observe the same time year round and stop bouncing around during spring and fall and disrupting everyone?

I'd read one of the congresscritters had a bill to set it to savings time and leave it. I sent mine emails but they don't like me much so I'm not expecting a response. 

I love the helps the farmers, like they give a shit what time it is.

Agreed, the time change should be made permanent! More sunlight is good for everyone ?

It was quite annoying to wake up and look at the clock feeling like I oversleep before realizing it was DS time, had to go to sleep early to reset the clock and all that.

[+] 1 user Likes hopisder5's post
Exactly!! I was just saying this a permanent time wouldn’t hurt anybody and it would be a lot more convenient.

[+] 1 user Likes You2AreDOUBL's post
That would be great!

[+] 1 user Likes kirk4's post
It’s such an exhausting experience. I prefer to just keep a standard year round time. It feels like spring is when people get upset and fall people are cool with the extra time it gives. I prefer to just have 6am be 6am and not 5am or 7am depending on if we’re falling back or springing forward

That would be great!