Diablo Immortal - Who is waiting for it
Diablo Immortal , Have been waiting for it's release since it was announced. I have played Crusaders of light  by Netease i hope Diablo Immortal is not like it

It will be optimized for the chinese market, therefore you will have plenty of Ads or Microtransaction. The Buy-In of Tencent into Activision Blizzard is one of the worst things, that could happen to Blizzard. You can see it in examples like Warcraft 3. They promised heaven and gave the players hell.

I pretty much stop supporting Blizzard after the Hong Kong and wc3 reforged debacle. Long time hearthstone player not spending money on it anymore.

Enders Wrote:I pretty much stop supporting Blizzard after the Hong Kong and wc3 reforged debacle. Long time hearthstone player not spending money on it anymore.

+1, agreed.

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waiting to see if diablo 4 will be good.
diablo 3 was a slap in the face to diablo 1 and 2 players

No thanks, I'm sticking to Diablo 1 and 2 lol

I'm one of the (apparently) few that really enjoyed D3, but even then I'm cautiously optimistic. The state of Overwatch (the game that got me on the Blizzard train) as well as a lot of Blizzard's other practices (and releases) have me rightly on the fence.

does diablo immortal still exist?