Did Dream Cheated
Everywhere in the internet i see people saying that the speedrunner Dream cheated, and some saying that he did not, and i cant come to a conclusion, what are your opinions, do tou think he cheated?

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I think the conclusion is yes he did cheat.  Although this is obviously the wrong thing to do I can understand why he did it.  As a speed runner it can be frustrating to have you time slashed by factors you can't control.  In this case the ender pearls dropping. 

I'll still watch his other content but in the future this might be a stain on his career.

Yeah he def cheated it’s sad really

From what I know he cheated, which is unfortunate since he makes fun content. Dream has recently not been the best celebrity/influencer. There was that whole “scandal” with him using his influence to force a new mob into the game. He’s just not been doing good for himself.

I didn't want to draw an early conclusion before both Dream and the Mods who removed his speedrun had given their statements and it's fair to say Dream cheated. The likelyhood of him actually pulling this off is way too small, to a point where simulations can't recreate it.
I suggest checking out Karl Jobst's Video on the topic, he has a nonbiased view on the situation and explains his conclusion very well, citing all the evidence along the way.

Even if dream cheated, he blew up and his fans will still probably watch his videos regardless. He can probably sweep the cheating allegations under the rug and be fine.

I don't know if he cheated or not but regardless he makes quite some good content