Did anyone get a next gen system?
I've been trying to find a ps5 for months. Pretty sure everyone else in the world is in the same position. Probably the same for xbox too.

Do you have a next gen system or do you know someone who got lucky somehow? I gotta know how you/they did it.

i got an xbox before release but it’s just luck really

I'm still gonna wait until there's a game I want and can't get anywhere else, but next gen

Get pc máster race, never fault

No, PC master race ftw

I have the original Xbox One still. I don't think I'll get a new Xbox because I play most of the games from gamepass on my PC.

I got 3 PS5 for me and my friends. A lot of it is heavy luck, but there are some starts to it. Follow PS5 drop accounts on twitter and turn on post notifications for them. Twitter notifications are instant. Best Buy is the best place to buy them. They are one of the few retailers that have anti-bot protection. I also think that if you've been a Best Buy member for a while they'll give you priority, or if youve bought a lot of stuff from them. Whenever they drop, they drop in waves and when you click the add to cart button itll send a code to your email so have that ready. I've been able to cart a PS5 in 90% of the drops that they've had.

[+] 1 user Likes baegel's post
Got PS5 on launch here, with AMD not keeping up and scalpers taking next gen consoles, it's hard to get one so hope everyone can get what they want

[+] 1 user Likes Sawaneshi's post
Got a ps5, but mostly play pc games

This is a great flex. You should sell it if you don't use it. People would lose their mind online for that

sadly no but pc seems to be the wave

Nah, me and my friends are looking towards PC