Did you get any pets during lockdown?
Just picked up our cute little golden retriever puppy. Girlfriend and I are so excited to take care of it. Heaps of people are picking up pets this lockdown. Defs good timing for us since we're both WFH for a while yet. You guys get any new pups?

Sadly not but I did have a friend come over with their new puppy and older cat. Cats are usually evil to me and I dunno why but theirs was actually nice and not bitter toward me. The puppy was super cute though - had tons of energy and loved to play all the time. Kinda makes me wanna get one when I'm financially situated cause I hear pets can come with quite a hefty price tag for caring for them

I wish! Landlord doesn't like 'em

No I want a dog but I don't have a backyard

I have 7 cats really enjoyed hanging with them during the quarantine

I had 2 cats, and I got a husky during the lockdown, he is really good and we have a space in the backyard so he can play freely

I want to have a dog, but now i am not prepared to take care of one.

A pet iguana