Difficulty of Rewatching entertainment
Is it just me or is it as one grow's older it becomes more and more difficult to rewatch something they've already watched no matter how good it is. Sk dkes anybody else suffer from this kind of boredom?

I feel like I can watch any studio ghibli movie a thousand times and never get bored. I think it just depends on the movie/show tbh. I rewatched breaking bad like 2 years after my first viewing and it wasn't the same. Still good, but I knew all the twists already.

Very happy to rewatch shows. Often times it will be in the background but also quite common to actively watch. I often find I pick up more details on a second rewatch. It gives me a chance to fully absorb things without trying to focus on what the main plot is.

Ive been feeling this lately, but its also a mix of me not being able to finish shows. I was able to rewatch some Naruto, but it's really long and honestly was a struggle to finish. My suggestion would be to pace yourself. I tend to just binge and that kinda burns me out.