Do you binge or watch slowly?
I always make plans to watch multiple shows at the same time by watching a 1-2 episodes of each show per day. Kind of like making a little tv channel for myself: set time, set order. But then i always end up just bingeing the most interesting one.

So do you binge-watch or do you watch slowly/multiple shows concurrently?

i binge so hard

Depends on the show. When you have to pay a ton of attention it's difficult haha

I prefer to watch slowly, so as not to get tiring

I tend to do a slow binge. 2-3 episodes for 30 minute shows, 1-2 episodes for hour long shows, then take a couple days off. I can't watch one after another for hours on end because it gets tiring. I admit though, I watched seasons 1-7 of GoT in 4 weeks in preparation for season 8. I think that whole experience soured binge watching for me.

depends if im in the zone or not but usually just 3 eps is enough for 1 day

For me it depends a lot on the mood on the series. Some of them I can watch easily in one sitting, some others I need to watch them slowly to be able to even parse them, or I like so much that I prefer to taste them over a longer time. It really depends.

I binge in bursts

I prefer the slow burn- but my significant other prefers to blow through series. So- if its something I'm watching, then it will take me a bit of time to get through it. If its something "we're watching" then nothing lasts more than a few of weeks unless its a show that is currently being aired/streamed.

Great question by the way.

It depends, usually if im watching a comedy that is made for more casual viewing ill watch it slowly over time, but drama-driven shows i'll binge.

Slowly - 1 season per evening. Cool

I usually binge, but no more than 3 hours in a row to be honest

I binge watch

starts off slow then binge near the end

i usually watch some series slowly, but since im unemployed right now so i binge Big Grin