Do you feel like this Pandemic is a shifting point for the future?
A lot of people believe that this lifestyle will vanish once we get to the normality we used to have, I believe there’s no turning back from this point, the impact of this outbreak will influence drastically at least the next 10 years of future. In my opinion, fields like Biology, E-Comerce & AI will take steps ahead. Hopefully with this in mind we get better at overcoming future crisis. What do you think about this? Do you think this Quarantine will have such impact in our society in the years that we have to come?

My hope is that the world becomes a better place after this pandemic. The 2010s has been a shitshow and hopefully things turn for the better afterwards. Technology will progress for the good for sure, but on the politics side of things, im not that optimistic...

[+] 1 user Likes Jayill's post
I think there will be more working from home

[+] 1 user Likes bigfoodlover123's post
The pandemic has had a very dramatic and permanent impact. More companies realize that they can have their employees work remotely and be just as effective. Big conferences, seminars, workshops, and even fundraisers - that traditionally were held in person - shifted to virtual events with just as much success. Remote learning is accepted and embraced. Huge consumer shifts have happened in how people shop and interact. And sadly, statistics are already being published on the negative impact on children and lower income families who don't have access to reliable internet, safety nets, the ability to work remotely, etc.

[+] 1 user Likes whatevv's post
It will change how companies make workers work. If you get what I mean

[+] 1 user Likes Willsmith's post
yes in many regards, but what if we stopped electing idiots? Sorry to get political but omg all of this shit was preventable  Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Bill Gates literally predicted it in his 2015 TED talk and then we have random hate on him like he's the epitome of corporate greed or some shit like I just can't dismiss such unbelievable ignorance even exists.

Anyways, it's a definite shifting point one way or the other. Cause and effect. We survive it and learn or we die with our ignorance. We now have more awareness in the future and medical advances but at the cost of lost loved ones. You can also look at past pandemics and draw similar conclusions.

[+] 1 user Likes kniatos1337's post
Well tbh no it's not going to change anything it's going to make alot of things worse such as therye pushing people to go and use the electronic devices in your home rather than going outside to have fun as a regular human being sooner or later you'll see alot of people stuck to their phones.

I feel like we would realize more that honestly, we don't need buildings and offices anymore. Anything can be done online and I believe most tech companies would move to that direction.

Idk bro, maybe
But also I don't think so