Do you like Christmas?
I am from Taiwan (sorry for my bad English)
I have always wanted to go to western countries to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere
Do you also like Christmas? Wink

It's cool especially for the young ones but for the adults it great food most people bring food from each fam but I'm Mexican not American in America so I dont know how the white people do it

It’s awesome that you appreciate how cool it is even from Taiwan. I personally love christmas

Loved it as a kid. As an adult now, it's more depressing. People always asking me what I want but I can't answer that. Then I get a follow-up "Well what can I get you that will make you happy?" and then the depression kicks in cuz I don't know what makes me happy.

My nephew believes in Santa so I enjoy it for him.

Really enjoy Christmas as it's one of the rarer moments to hang with family.

"Christmas is my favorite christmas time of the year"

- Jon Lajoie

Nope not a big fan

Favorite holiday by far

I'll celebrate it with my family, because I know they believe it means something to them.
For me, it's the appreciation of my family. Christmas doesn't mean what it used to as when I was a kid, but even if I don't believe in it, I believe in them.
So yes, and no.