Do you think current games are easier/harder than older games?
I believe that games are being more simplistic and easier than games of older generation consoles. I don't think it's a bad thing, but I wish that something like rpgs would still have that hardcore concept to it.

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Reminds me of arcade games like metal slug, which developers had to have their own cheat codes for.

I agree with your assessment tbh.

I think its partly because graphics were not as good in the past as they are now and a lot of development time is focused on that aspect of a game.

But in general mechanics wise games are fairly simple now and not very complex

Plus they have to appeal to the lowest common denominator, not everyone wants a complicated game. And games developers want to sell their games to as many people as possible

I think in the past to give games a proper length, the difficulty was increased, nowadays with the current technology, games can be much more varied and dont need difficulty and replayability to make it worth it

I definitely think they are easier but disagree with simplistic, mechanics have gotten substantially more complex as we shifted from 2d to 3d to being able to mess with time or gravity a la prince of persia, meaningfully interact with the world (battlefield, minecraft etc.) Or requiring collaboration with other players like in raids in destiny or MMOs. Old games are definitely harder but i think a good bit is due to simple controls and limited abilities

I think older games did more with less resources, as computer technology was less advanced then. Older games also had much more complex and detailed stories. Modern games look a lot prettier and have a lot more options, but it gets boring with all the point and click and score tons of points attitude.

Newer games are to easy nowadays I missed the challenge definitely in fighting games

Older games are harder, in my opinion. They were more straight forward so you either died or you didn't. Plus arcades needed to make money somehow. We could also go into how kids have no perseverance but that's a whole other topic.

i think the newer games are the way they are because people have much shorter attention spans nowadays

I don't think newer games are easier, you just get better than when you young. 10 years ago many easy games too

i think some newer games are really dumbed down so people don't leave out of frustration

The older games were much harder. But I can understand why the games are easier nowadays. The developers want to target more people. A lot of people might quit a game, because of frustration when it is too hard. So the make these games easier to fit for these people as well.

Think some newer games are more simplistic but harder since everyone a tryhard now

Really depends on the game. But there's a lot of appealing to the more casual player as well

AAA titles except dark souls and the likes are much easier nowadays imo.

I think it's much easier. It used to be very difficult to find a solution. Now, various communities and YouTube help find solutions.