Do you think what WallStreetBets is doing to GameStop stock illegal?
My friend and I were talking about this today and I am bit torn.
I guess it could be called market manipulation since the members of Reddit group is colluding to pump up the stock.
Then again, is that illegal per se? Everything is public information and discussion so not sure if there was any violation in SEC rules.
Currently, I am leaning towards not illegal and SEC can't do anything about it since SEC can't regulate internet.

its not illegal, people on wall street do it all the time

I think it's not illegal for the reasons you listed.

I also think that it's making cryptocurrencies seem less crazy now that random trolls from the internet can do what they did Big Grin

They're talking in a public forum. It's the same as going on the news to talk about stock options.

Not illegal. They're playing the game the same way wall street plays the game. I'm sure the current administration is going to regulate the shit out of this so it can't happen again in the future, but that would be a mistake.

NOOOO IT WONT. this shit is done by so many higher class men. no reason backing down now

Absolutely not. If anything it's the same strategy used by hedge funds on wall street.

Absolutely not. Hedge funds do worse on the daily, it's about time they get fucked for a change

it so difficult to me i dont know about stock market